old site www.godt240.com was suspended, our official site:www.godbiolab.is


Promo 1

50$ discount on eroids

If u leave honest reviews + rate us on eroids, you will get 50$ discount for next order.

PS: U must leave honest review, NO FAKE REVIEW PLEASE

      U must write the detail about the quality, service etc, NO SIMPLE REVIEW, otherwise, the MOD would delete your simple review.


how to review and vote ?

1, Pls go to eroids, source review section, click here

2, U post a review with detail, then rate us 

3, U post a similar review + rate  on product section, GODTROPIN ,click here 

                                                                                     or  TIRZEPATIDE, click here

                                                                              or  SEMAGLUTIDE, click here

4, U PM me on eroids, then I will give you the discount for the order.

PS: u get 1 karma after u leave a review, u can vote when u have 5 or more karmas, if u r not able to vote, we can offer 20$ discount, but u can still post the pictures to reach 5 karma, then vote. 

Promo 2

50$ discount  on forum

If u run blood test on IGF1 or gh serum, u post it on forum,  u will get 50$ discount for the order.

Promo 2

20$ discount on trustpilot

If u leave honest review + vote on https://www.trustpilot.com/review/godbiolab.is

u get 20$ discount for the order.